Hi Sis,

I love the poem, Mary Oliver is a wonderful poet. As I was reading your post(which I also enjoyed) two things came into my mind as reactions I suppose from my experience of life as a creative on the one hand, and someone who has also led what could be described as a "normal" life(marriage, mortgage, children, job etc). My priorities for many years were split heavily towards the latter, but have shifted more towards my creative life these days, particularly since I could shake off "thedayjob". I now get more frequent opportunities to notice the sheer joy of being alive. I had one today as I drove home from my studio through the countryside, the greens of the hedgerows, lit elegantly by the afternoon sun, the pale blue September sky, with cotton wool clouds hanging here and there.... Also several somewhat ancient trees, still with foliage.. I really must try to capture these in my work. I've been a bit blocked recently, stuck in earthy colours, and rather dramatic gestures... Having said that, I've recently sold quite a few pieces too, which is most encouraging. The other thing follows my recent researching what other artists actually do, how they live, what they create, and why. I've become quite fond of this couple, they're American but don't hold that against them, and they're trying to earn a living as artists. https://www.youtube.com/@Rafiwashere - I'm fortunate that I don't have to rely on selling work, whereas they do. They're delightful as people. Mx

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Hi Mart! Thank you for these thoughts - I love to think of these hanging clouds and ancient trees. You have the advantage on me with age and being able to turn to the creative life so decisively - good news about the sales too!! I have dropped you an email too. Love, K xxx

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